Dear friends,
Over the past weeks, we have seen so much happen in our country!
As a Deaf black man, the death of George Floyd has impacted me to the core. But not just his death, the death of Breonna Taylor, Ahmud Arbery, Trayvon Martin, and so many other black lives that were taken too early. It shouldn’t have taken the video of the death of George Floyd for our country to see the injustice happening in our own backyard. We must call it for what it is: racism.
The lives of black people matter.
The evil that surrounds us is loud, but we Christians have to be louder. As Christians, we shouldn’t dismiss the #blacklivesmatter movement but instead be on the front lines, arm in arm with our black brothers and sisters, fighting the evil with them. As Isaiah 1:17 says, “ Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed…” We also fight on our knees, kneeling in prayer. We must have an intentional conversation that not only starts in our homes but in our churches. To our white brothers and sisters, we ask that you have the uncomfortable conversations and unpack your white privileges. To do as James 1:19 tells us, “…everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…” Put aside your opinions and now listen to the pain, frustrations, and stories of my black brothers and sisters. Do not dismiss the hashtag and movement of #blacklivesmatter.
The lives of black people matter.
To all my fellow black brothers and sisters who have been unseen and unheard everyday of their lives, God. Sees. You. El Roi sees you. He sees your frustrations and your pain. He hears your cries. We are praying for Amos 5:24 right now in this season of life. As it tells us, “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” He sees you, He made you, and He loves you. Jesus walked the path of oppression, and they cursed him, and beat him. Even though He performed miracles, healed the sick and taught life lessons, they still hung him on a cross. Jesus conquered the grave. He defeated death and because of this, we have HOPE.
The lives of black people matter.
Our hope is in heaven. No more pain, no more suffering. Until then, we will continue to unite. We will continue to peacefully protest. We will continue to get on our knees and pray. We will continue to be a voice and a light. We will continue to use our platform to shine a light of injustice. We will continue to speak out and call it out for what it is: racism. We call on all of our brothers and sisters, churches, organizations to stand with us. United we are strong, yet divided we will fall. We will not allow Satan to do that to us. The only way through this is together, united as one. For us to meet in the middle of the bridge.
Will you meet us there?
Black people matter. We matter. You matter. God matters.
Brandon Gaskin