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Holy Week 2024: Holy Saturday

Holy Week 2024: The Son of Man is lifted up   Watch or Read these verses Numbers 21:9, John 3:14-21 [embed] /embed]   [embed] /embed]     Short Devotional    [embed] /embed] Read More »

Holy Week 2024: Good Friday

Holy Week 2024: Jesus suffers for our sins   Watch or read these verses: Isaiah 53 | Luke 23:6-29   [embed] /embed]     [embed] /embed]   Short Devotional    [embed] /embed] Read More »

Holy Week 2024: Maundy Thursday

Holy Week 2024: Jesus is the sacrificial lamb   Watch or read these verses: Exodus 12 | Luke 22:17-20   [embed] /embed]     [embed] /embed]   Short Devotional   [embed] /embed] Read More »

Holy Week 2024: Palm Sunday

Holy Week 2024: Jesus arrives on a donkey Watch or read the required verses Zechariah  9:9-13, Matthew 21:1-11   [embed] /embed]   [embed] /embed]   Short Devotional    [embed] /embed]   Read More »

The Victor’s Life

  “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-25   I am drawn… Read More »

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Jesus in Mind

We love because He loved us first with the greatest love of all – the unconditional love of a Heavenly father. What does LOVE mean for us? Our world sends countless subtle messages that we will not be complete until we find our better halves through the examples of Hollywood rom-coms and the current… Read More »

The City Life

  I love nature. My happy place is the beach. I love grass and trees and ALL the flowers. However, for my family’s most recent vacation we skipped the ocean and the mountains. We flew to the big city, New York City! I loved it. I loved the bustling streets. I loved riding the… Read More »

Called to Gather Together In Person or is Zoom Enough?

One question on everyone’s mind today is Should we attend church in person, or will a Zoom service be enough? But first, let’s see what the Scripture says.   Hebrews 10:25 says to “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as… Read More »

Looking Back on 2022!

What a year it has been. Full of challenges, but full of JOY. We have seen the Lord move in ways we could have not imagined. We have seen the gospel pierce the hearts of many Deaf people.  Take a look at what 2022 has brought! Brandon Gaskin, our Executive Director, is part of the… Read More »


  Early September 2022, Deaf Millennial Project hosted the first in-person Deaf young adults conference, Awaken.  In the beginning, we thought maybe 50 Deaf adult leaders would come to the conference, but God always does more than we expect. Awaken had more than 80 Deaf young people from all over the U.S come to… Read More »

Seek & You Will Find

  I am an introvert. I love being alone. My favorite things to do are read a book, sit quietly on my porch swing, or take a walk in nature.  For someone who loves being alone, I  struggle with loneliness. I long for true friends. I ache for a supportive community. At the same… Read More »

Deaf Ministry 101: Understanding Deaf Terminology

Understanding "Deaf" Terminology This resource covers some important jargon that focuses on Deaf communities and the appropriate terminology used when discussing the topic of Deaf people.  “Deaf” vs. “deaf” Deaf communities are just like every other culture in that it has their own language, identity, values, etc.  When reading and writing about Deaf people,… Read More »

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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.