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  Early September 2022, Deaf Millennial Project hosted the first in-person Deaf young adults conference, Awaken.  In the beginning, we thought maybe 50 Deaf adult leaders would come to the conference, but God always does more than we expect. Awaken had more than 80 Deaf young people from all over the U.S come to… Read More »

5 Ways to Walk Through a Spiritual Drought

drought /drout/ noun 1. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. 2. thirst. A spiritual drought is a form of spiritual crisis, because it is recognized as a time of separation from God.  Are you experiencing spiritual drought? Do you feel a lack of motivation to do the… Read More »

3 Ways of Reaching the Youth in a Digital World

  Since COVID-19, many churches have struggled to keep the church running. Leaders want to disciple  the next generation of Gen Zers and wonder “How can we reach them?”  Here are 3 simple ways to reach the youth in a Digital world.    1.Vlogging Deaf teens require videos which are visual, like vlogging. Videos… Read More »

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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.