I am an introvert. I love being alone. My favorite things to do are read a book, sit quietly on my porch swing, or take a walk in nature.
For someone who loves being alone, I struggle with loneliness. I long for true friends. I ache for a supportive community. At the same time, I am afraid. I have been wounded by people. I have been wounded by church. I have scars.
Right now, a friend and I are studying the book, “Find your people” by Jennie Allen.
“Find your people” has been good to read, yet painful. I believe in what it teaches. I know God says, “Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead encourage each other…” (Hebrews 10:25). I know He made the church to be a body of many parts, not one part, one person alone. But I doubt it could happen in real life, in my life. Can I really find MY people?
Yesterday, when my friend and I met on Zoom to discuss the book, my mind was full of all those doubts. But I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to my heart, “You do not have, because you do not ask,” (James 4:2). God wants us to find our people. He wants us to encourage each other but also be encouraged. I think it is time for me to start asking and believing it will be true for me.
I still love to be alone with Jesus. But He did say, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them” (Matt 18:20). So I have to go and find my people, His people, even if it is only two or three of us. If I need to sacrifice my time and get over my fears and pain, in order to meet with Him, it will be worth it.