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Dear Church

Written by: Anonomyous   |   Jul 07, 2021


Dear Church,

“And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations  will hear it;

and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14 NLT


“…that all nations will hear it.” 

How can this be when 98% of Deaf still do not have access to the gospel in their heart language?

How can this be when evangelizing to Deaf people and making Deaf disciples is steadily declining?

How can this be when Deaf ministries continue to struggle and grow new leaders? 

We Remain Hopeful

Despite all the  past obstacles we have faced, and all the present ones we are enduring, we remain hopeful. 

…until all have seen. 

We, the 2%, remain hopeful because we have experienced the love of Christ, the radical transformation in our lives, and we see it in the heart of Deaf Millennial Project. 

We remain hopeful because of Deaf people like Jullian H. from Ohio who speaks of how God’s is impacting the Deaf in his community. He remains committed to growing into the leader that God has called him to be.

We remain hopeful because we know that nothing stops the Holy Spirit. Even in the midst of the pandemic, thousands and thousands of Deaf lives have been reached for Christ!

So we proudly proclaim…UNTIL ALL HAVE SEEN. We are a generation who is passionate about proclaiming the gospel in every corner of the world. We are a generation ready to take up the baton and run the great race. 

We will labor unto glory, until all have seen!


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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.