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Jesus, The King:The Resurrection Story – Day 2

Bible PlansDMP Originals

Jesus, The King:The Resurrection Story – Day 2


Jesus stood trial. He had already been declared “guilty” before going to trial. The leaders ensured that he was going to be put to death. Then, His sentence came, and He  was sentenced to death on a cross. 


How could this innocent man be declared guilty? How could this man who had done nothing but good, performed miracles and healed many be declared guilty? What had He done wrong? The religious leaders felt threatened, and they felt that His teachings and acts of miracles would hinder their work and fame. 


The religious leaders took matters into their own hands. They made certain that He would be found guilty. Jesus was whipped, beaten, mocked, and forced to carry a cross up a hill amidhis torture. His hands and feet were nailed into the wood, a crown of thorns was placed upon his head just to mock him, and then He hung on the cross for hours, waiting to die. 


Those who fought against Christ thought that they had won. Little did they know that Jesus was fulfilling the Father’s Will and the Old Testament promises. Isaiah 53:4 declares the suffering servant took on our pain and bore our suffering. 


Eventually, Jesus would declare, “It is finished,” and breathe His last breath. He was buried, and the tomb was sealed. At that moment, death seemed to have won. There were three days of agony. Then the stone that sealed the tomb was rolled away, and Jesus rose from the grave. His body was sacrificed for our sins. When He took the punishment for all of the world, it meant, He took the sin of Adam and Eve and ours forever.. He satisfied the wrath of God and made a way for us to be restored again to God. 


Jesus rising from the dead showed that He truly does have victory and power over everything including death. He has risen, indeed!


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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.