As the novel COVID-19 spread across the globe, our homes became a refuge as we tried to stay healthy and safe. Our unprepared world was not ready for this kind of pandemic. Overnight, work and classrooms became remote. Churches became exclusively online and live-streamed. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. Our shut down world has taught us many things, such as the unpreparedness of the healthcare system and the usefulness of the digital age. But we’ve also learned some things related to our faith and experiences with God.
1. Be Still and Know God
During this pandemic, it has become necessary to stay home to slow the spread of the virus. Some try to fill the time with endless activities such as binge-watching Netflix shows or picking up new hobbies like excessive baking, nevertheless it feels like we have more time. Some say the days feel longer, and they can get a lot more done in 24 hours. This experience has led me to realize how valuable time is, especially time spent with our loving Father. This feels different compared to the former bustling pace of life, carelessly forgetting to “be still and know God.”
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” – Psalms 46:10
Since the outbreak, I have learned to be more productive. Instead of mindlessly scrolling on social media for hours, I have a purpose. A mindset to know God. He is always by my side and always ready to have a conversation. In a way, this pandemic is a blessing in disguise. In the same way that I am learning to take time to get to know God, I am learning to get to know my parents even more. I am back at home until my university opens again, and I’m just soaking in all of this time with them. The more I talk with my parents, the more I am learning to share and listen to stories. God is teaching me not to take time for granted. I am learning to be still and know my Father and my parents again in this essential season of life.
2. Trusting God Even More
I already knew that “tomorrows” were not promised. However, the pandemic put things in perspective, and it was my wake-up call. Here in the 21st-century, America has great doctors, scientists, and medical innovations, yet everyone is at risk. Our science and medicine make it so easy to become lulled into false security just like the people of Jericho. As the world is failing and has nothing to fall back on, we believers might start to feel incredibly vulnerable. It leads me to the question, “what is security, who is the ultimate Healer, and who reigns?” While the numbers surge and the pandemic continues with the possibility that it will be months before a vaccine, I’m reminded of Job’s story and his praise for the Father in the midst of all the suffering taking place in his life.
I wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. – Psalms 62:5
Job trusted God, even in the midst of his suffering. And yes, while our stories are on a different scale compared to Job’s, we are going through a time of fear and suffering. We all know at least one person who has been impacted by COVID-19 either directly or indirectly. We Christians have absolutely no idea why this is happening all over the world. The Lord gives, and He takes. As in Job’s case, we do not have the knowledge God does. As believers, all we can do is to be still and take refuge in Him. Our hope in this world is from Him.
3. Giving God Everything
There’s no doubt that the pandemic and quarantine has made people feel every emotion possible; nervous, scared, stressed, worried, frustrated, and even angry. With a family member working out of state, being exposed to new people every week, and another working at the hospital, I constantly feel anxious for them. The frustration of not being able to see people I love gets to me. Thinking about what my summer should have been like irritates me. My college is going to be remote in the fall, and I’m heartbroken. I miss my college family, friends, and professors. When I’m feeling a crazy range of emotions and looking for a friend to rant to, I take a deep breath…and say, “Lord, You know exactly how I’m feeling. Be my listener. Be my comforter. I give you all of my worries.” And it helps! God is the best listener this world could have ever asked for.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7
Like I mentioned before, this makes people everywhere feel vulnerable. Perhaps it makes us feel even more uncertain than ever before in our lives. I know I do feel that way. But how amazing is it that we have a God who so desperately wants us to give Him our all even during this pandemic–emotions, worries, fears, and the list just goes on.
This Too Will Pass
This might seem like a desert with no water in sight. It might feel like this novel COVID-19 pandemic won’t ever end, and our lives are forever changed. They are. We have seen God provide in countless ways. We have seen Him work through churches who made the transition to online with access for Deaf people. Even now, Deaf Millennial Project is growing. While we wait, I have learned to have faith and know that this too will pass. All I have to do is look at the book of Ecclesiastes and let Him comfort us.
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. – Ecclesiastes 3:1
What about you? How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected you? What else has God taught you through this situation? Comment below and let us know!
Written by: Lexi Hill
Edited by: Dee Collins