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2019 Year-End Report

Written by: Brandon Gaskin   |   Dec 28, 2019

As 2019 is almost to a close, we look back at the year of when this all first started. We are thankful for you all joining us on this journey, supporting us and praying for us. We are also thankful for you using the resources that we have developed so far and allow the Lord to work through you through them. As you read this year 2019 report, know that is just a small tiny glimpse of what the Lord has done through Deaf Millennial Project.

As we prepare for 2020 and what to come, we know the Lord is going to do even greater things. For a while, so many of us have been sensing that their is great revival coming for the Deaf. Isaiah 43:19 tells us, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. ” We hold this to be true for the upcoming year. So read about what the Lord had done so far:

1. ASL Bible Plan

In October 2019, we launched the 1st ever sign language bible plan into the YouVersion Bible App. This was a huge moment so many Deaf have this app on their phones an device. We wanted to create another access for them to understand God’s word in their language. YouVersion has over 10,000 bible plans but none in sign language. This is just the first of many and we look forward to creating more in 2020. Since October, our bible plan has accumulated over 5,000 downloads.


2. 2 Full 1-Hour Length Concert

Brandon, Deaf Millennial Founder, did 2 full 1-hour length concert for the first time ever this past year. Which saw in Mississippi, 6 Deaf college students accepted Christ and be baptized the next day alongside 2 hearing college students as well. In Florida, 1 Deaf adult accepted Christ and 1 Deaf adult gave their life back to Christ. Read the full story about Mississippi.


3. Launched Deaf Millennial Chat

We launched the 1st Christian ASL Video Podcast onto the Apple Podcast platform and several others. This one of a kind of approach is what catalyzed everything else we have done so far. We have had the opportunity to interview Terry Storch (Co-Founder of YouVersion), Rick McClain (Pastor and Evangelist), Michael David and Joseph Josselyn (Deaf Mission and Gum Vision Studio) and so many other. Deaf Millennial Chat is currently in its second season and have had over 50,000 download world-wide across different platform.


4. 4 Major Speaking Engagement

This past year, we had the opportunity to travel to 4 major cities in the U.S. for speaking engagement and sit on different panels. We got to expose so many to the Gospel and educate about the work Deaf Millennial Project is doing. Some of our top favorite moments were discussing about how to reach the next generation, mental health, and discipleship. In 2020, those are going to be some of our main themes.


5. Finishing the Task Conference

Brandon, Deaf Millennial Founder, got invited to be the Deaf Worship Leader for Finishing the Task. Which was a huge honor. He also had the privilege to be among some of the top executives leaders of Deaf Christian organizations and ministries from around the world. As well as share about the work Deaf Millennial Project is doing and striving to do. A rare occasion to have this many Deaf executives in a room at one time. This was not only a holy moment, but a God-led moment confirming that He’s about to do something radical, powerful and new.

Organizations that attended: DeafWay, Deaf Missions, Deaf Harbor, D.O.O.R International, Converge International, Deaf Millennial Project, Deaf Teen Quest, Deaf Bible Society, and More.


6. Recognized as a 501(c)3 Organization

As of December 2019, we received our 501(c)3 recognition. This will allow us to do more and receive more to be able to continue the work we do. We are so excited about this journey and continue to invite other alongside with us. In 2020, we hope to develop more partnership to be able to do the work that God has called us to do.To be able to collaborate with other organizations who striving to reach the Deaf just like us. 2019 has been nothing but amazing, but we know 2020 will be even better.

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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.