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God Lessons at the Beach

  We were blessed to visit the beach for only one day. It was late in the summer and the water was super warm - so warm that it did not feel refreshing. The water reminded me of drinking the lukewarm tea that I did not enjoy at the hotel that morning. Tea should… Read More »

The Victor’s Life

  “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-25   I am drawn… Read More »

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Jesus in Mind

We love because He loved us first with the greatest love of all – the unconditional love of a Heavenly father. What does LOVE mean for us? Our world sends countless subtle messages that we will not be complete until we find our better halves through the examples of Hollywood rom-coms and the current… Read More »

The City Life

  I love nature. My happy place is the beach. I love grass and trees and ALL the flowers. However, for my family’s most recent vacation we skipped the ocean and the mountains. We flew to the big city, New York City! I loved it. I loved the bustling streets. I loved riding the… Read More »


  Early September 2022, Deaf Millennial Project hosted the first in-person Deaf young adults conference, Awaken.  In the beginning, we thought maybe 50 Deaf adult leaders would come to the conference, but God always does more than we expect. Awaken had more than 80 Deaf young people from all over the U.S come to… Read More »

Sabbath Was Made For You

  There’s a thought that the Sabbath was made for pastors and leaders only. Maybe we don’t fully understand the purpose of the Sabbath and why it was made, but simply put…the Sabbath was made for you and everyone.  Sabbath is not exclusive to pastors and leaders, or for those who, with the hustle… Read More »


  What is fasting? Fasting is a spiritual teaching that is taught in the Bible. It’s a time to replace our hunger for things - to being hungry for the Lord. Many characters in the Bible fasted: Jesus, Moses, Daniel, and many more. Jesus was tempted by Satan, so He fasted for forty days.… Read More »

Dear Deaf Pastors and Leaders

  Easter is quickly approaching, and there’s never been a better time to invite people into the church than this Easter. The average church starts preparing for their Easter Sunday six weeks in advance. This year, we can impact our Deaf communities like never before, but we need to prepare now.  In the Deaf… Read More »

Jesus, The Real Superhero!

  It seems like everyone is obsessed with Marvel movies now.  I love those movies but every time I watch one, I think about how the world is craving for someone to look to to be inspired or to be saved.  It is interesting that every Marvel movie shows a battle between light and… Read More »

No Excuses

  A few years ago I visited the newly-opened Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.  The museum has a room with bookshelves filled with Bible translations.  The books were color coded to visually display which languages of the world currently have a Bible in their heart languages, which languages currently have a translation… Read More »

Run The Race Well

  I did not want to exercise today. Why? I just did not feel like it. But as I think about the Tokyo Olympic Games, I think about all of the hard work, dedication, and discipline that is required by each athlete to compete at this elite level.  The amount of time spent on… Read More »

Shine Brighter, Friend!

“As the world grows darker, I'll shine my light brighter. As the world grows darker, I'll show the love of Christ. As the world grows darker, my life will be a  lamp  for all to see Christ.”   I didn't expect to turn on the news and see such shocking news. Two bombers decided… Read More »

Black Widow

  *Warning, this article contains spoilers. I recently saw the Marvel movie, “Black Widow.” During the movie, I noticed so many different themes - from a false sense of family, to trust issues, to facing your past and defeating evil. One theme that struck me was Evil Girl Turns Good. A young woman, Natasha… Read More »

Drop Your Stone

  Can you remember a weak moment in your life? Maybe it was a time before you knew Jesus when you were still foolish and stuck in sinful, unhealthy habits. Perhaps you were saved, but you still battled temptation, lack of self-control, anger, lust, or idolatry. Imagine in that dark moment, when you gave… Read More »

5 Ways to Walk Through a Spiritual Drought

drought /drout/ noun 1. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. 2. thirst. A spiritual drought is a form of spiritual crisis, because it is recognized as a time of separation from God.  Are you experiencing spiritual drought? Do you feel a lack of motivation to do the… Read More »

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Deaf Millennial Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization pursuing the Great Commission with Gospel centered resources in American Sign Language.